More than 1 in 5 children live in poverty in 40 of the world’s richest countries

France, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom saw sharp rises in child poverty between 2014–2021, while Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovenia achieved the largest reductions, according to UNICEF’s latest Report Card   FLORENCE/NEW YORK, 6 December 2023 – Some of the world’s richest countries experienced sharp rises in child poverty between 2014 and 2021, … Continued

Youth climate activists wait to see if Ireland will be held to account in front of UN child rights Committee

Youth climate activists wait to see if Ireland will be held to account in front of UN child rights Committee Download images here DUBLIN, 23 January 2023 – A group of young Irish climate activists, who recently highlighted the climate crisis’s impact on child’s rights in Ireland in front of a United Nations Committee, are waiting … Continued

UNICEF calls for the protection of children against all forms of violence in Iran amid public unrest

PRESS RELEASE UNICEF calls for the protection of children against all forms of violence in Iran amid public unrest NEW YORK/DUBLIN, 28 November 2022 – “UNICEF condemns all violence against children and calls for an end to all forms of violence and abuse that have reportedly claimed the lives of over 50 children and injured many … Continued

Racism and discrimination against children rife in countries worldwide – UNICEF

PRESS RELEASE Racism and discrimination against children rife in countries worldwide – UNICEF New report outlines how children are discriminated against in health, access to government resources, and education; analysis of 22 countries shows advantaged groups are twice as likely to have basic reading skills  UNICEF spokespersons are available for interview  NEW YORK/DUBLIN, 18 November … Continued

UNICEF Ireland awards first Child Rights Schools in Ireland

PRESS RELEASE UNICEF Ireland awards first Child Rights Schools in Ireland UNICEF Ireland Ambassador Donncha O’Callaghan, Deputy Lord Mayor of Cork Tony Fitzgerald, and children and teachers from two Cork schools celebrate achievement Images for download here DUBLIN/CORK, 03 OCTOBER 2022 – Two Cork schools were named as the first UNICEF Child Rights Schools in … Continued

Over-consumption in the world’s richest countries is destroying children’s environments globally, new report says

PRESS RELEASE     Over-consumption in the world’s richest countries is destroying children’s environments globally, new report says The world’s richest countries – including Ireland – are providing healthier environments for children within their borders, yet are disproportionately contributing to the destruction of the global environment, putting the present and future of all children globally at … Continued

“We have to go through this transition together“ 15-year-old farmer and climate activist tells Taoiseach

PRESS RELEASE “We have to go through this transition together,” 15-year-old farmer and climate activist tells Taoiseach #KidsTakeOver part of UNICEF’s World Children’s Day celebrations Images available for download here DUBLIN 10 November 2021 – A teenage farmer and climate activist took part in a #KidsTakeOver of the Taoiseach’s office today to highlight the importance of protecting … Continued

Affordable, quality childcare inaccessible in many of world’s wealthiest countries – UNICEF report

Irish families of average income spend up to half of one salary to put two children in childcare DUBLIN/INNOCENTI/NEW YORK, 18 June 2021 – Affordable, quality childcare is inaccessible in many of the world’s wealthiest countries, UNICEF said in a new report released today. Luxembourg, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Germany rank the highest on childcare … Continued

Minister Foley Takes Part in Virtual Class for World’s Largest Lesson with Kerry Students and UNICEF

Climate change front and centre of this year’s Global initiative NOTE: EMBARGOED UNTIL 00.01 27 May Castleisland, Co Kerry 27.05.2021 – In Co. Kerry today, Minister for Education Norma Foley TD took part in the World’s Largest Lesson, along with post-primary students from Castleisland Community College, supported by UNICEF Ireland (Thursday, 27 May). This event, … Continued

STATEMENT on the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes

Joint Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore and WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes NEW YORK/GENEVA, 21 May 2021 – “In 1981, health officials from around the world gathered at the World Health Assembly to address aggressive marketing … Continued

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