COVID-19 ‘biggest global crisis for children in our 75-year history’ – UNICEF

PRESS RELEASE COVID-19 ‘biggest global crisis for children in our 75-year history’ – UNICEF On its 75th anniversary, UNICEF warns that COVID-19 is rolling back virtually every measure of progress for children, including a staggering 100 million more children plunged into poverty  Multimedia content available to download here NEW YORK/DUBLIN, 9 December 2021 – COVID-19 has affected children at an unprecedented scale, making it … Continued

UNICEF Ambassador Liam Neeson hails Irish public as COVID-19 vaccine donations pass 2 million mark

PRESS RELEASE UNICEF Ambassador Liam Neeson hails Irish public as COVID-19 vaccine donations pass 2 million mark Irish response to UNICEF’s Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine campaign will now see 2 million COVID-19 vaccine doses delivered to some of the world’s least developed countries     UNICEF spokespeople are available for interview Multimedia assets available … Continued

Irish public donate 1 million COVID-19 vaccines to the world’s poorest countries

  Irish public donate 1 million COVID-19 vaccines to the world’s poorest countries   UNICEF sees an unprecedented response to its Get a Vaccine, Give a Vaccine campaign in Ireland   UNICEF Ireland Executive Director Peter Power is available for interview DUBLIN, 12 August 2021 – Today UNICEF has announced that people and companies in … Continued

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson launches vaccine campaign in Ireland

UNICEF asks people in Ireland to join ‘Get a Vaccine – Give a Vaccine’ movement in solidarity with those in developing nations, and help end COVID-19 worldwide NOTE: EMBARGOED UNTIL 08.00 GMT Tuesday 15.06.21 *NOTE* Interviews available on request. 15th June 2021 – Today, with the support of UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson, UNICEF is … Continued

STATEMENT on the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes

Joint Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore and WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on the 40th anniversary of the adoption of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes NEW YORK/GENEVA, 21 May 2021 – “In 1981, health officials from around the world gathered at the World Health Assembly to address aggressive marketing … Continued

NEWS NOTE: UNICEF sends 3,000 oxygen concentrators and other critical supplies to India as country battles deadly COVID-19 surge

NOTE: Spokespersons available on request. NOTE: Photos, BRoll and videos here.   NEW DELHI/KATHMANDU, 29 April 2021 – UNICEF has sent critical lifesaving supplies, including 3,000 oxygen concentrators, diagnostic tests, medical kits, and other equipment to help India in its battle with a deadly wave of COVID-19. “COVID-19 is severely overstraining the health system in India,” said … Continued

World Immunisation Week warning – €7.6 trillion economic losses could result from failure to vaccinate equitably against COVID-19

UNICEF Ireland, ICC Ireland and Chambers Ireland highlight research warning of sluggish recovery DUBLIN, 25 April 2021 – A study commissioned by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Research Foundation warns the global economy stands to lose as much as €7.6 trillion if governments fail to ensure developing economies get access to COVID-19 vaccines. The research … Continued

COVID-19: Schools for more than 168 million children globally have been completely closed for almost a full year, says UNICEF

UNICEF unveils ‘Pandemic Classroom’ at United Nations Headquarters in New York to call attention to the need for governments to prioritise the reopening of schools NEW YORK, 3 March 2021 – Schools for more than 168 million children globally have been completely closed for almost an entire year due to COVID-19 lockdowns, according to new data released today … Continued

First COVID-19 COVAX vaccine doses administered in Africa – JOINT PRESS RELEASE

Today, the governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana began COVID-19 vaccination campaigns aimed at protecting healthcare workers This week’s first vaccinations happen as a further 11 million COVAX doses are expected to be delivered over the next seven days Publication of the allocation of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine to 142 of COVAX’s participating economies, to be … Continued

Côte d’Ivoire becomes second African country and first French-speaking country to receive vaccine doses via COVAX Facility – WHO/UNICEF/GAVI/CEPI JOINT PRESS RELEASE

  ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire, 26 February 2021 – The COVAX initiative shipped 504,000 doses of the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine, licensed by the Serum Institute of India, to India, and 505,000 syringes to Abidjan, on 26 February 2021. This marks the second batch that has been shipped and delivered to Africa by the COVAX Facility in an unprecedented … Continued

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