Young people to Davos leaders: more jobs, better education

21st January 2019



Young people to Davos leaders: more jobs, better education

UNICEF Ireland Executive Director Peter Power is available for interview. 

DAVOS/DUBLIN, 21 January 2019 – Thousands of young people have a simple message to the leaders gathered at the World Economic Forum: “We need more jobs and better education.”

The urgent message emerged from an online poll of 10,000 young people from over 160 countries conducted by UNICEF to bring the voices of youth to this year’s alpine gathering of global movers and shakers.

For the first time in its history, the Davos Forum has named six Global Shapers below the age of 30 as co-chairs of the meeting – a decision which recognizes that young people are the demographic group most affected by the far-reaching disruptions affecting the world of work.

“There are 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 today – the world’s largest-ever group of young people. Every month, 10 million reach working age – and they’re finding that yesterday’s skills no longer match today’s job market,” UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said at a meeting today in Davos bringing together the Forum’s three communities: Global Shapers, Young Global Leaders and Schwab Social Entrepreneurs.

“They want – and need – future skills for future work: digital skills, modern agriculture, green technology, and business and entrepreneurial skills. As a global community, business as usual isn’t good enough. The private sector has a pivotal role in helping close the skills gap, and giving young people the ladders of opportunity they need to reach their potential.”

The views expressed in the poll speak to a crisis in education and skills. There are 71 million unemployed youth. Over 150 million young people are working, but living on less than $3 a day. Globally, six out of 10 children and adolescents do not achieve minimum proficiency in reading and math, and 200 million adolescents are out of school. Those most affected are those who need education and skills the most – girls and young women, children and adolescents living in conflict zones, and those with disabilities.

From a list of five priorities, the poll found that:

UNICEF and Generation Unlimited – a global partnership to match the best initiatives for young people with the ideas, resources, vision and reach of public, private and civil society partners – will be working closely with the Forum and the Global Shapers community to help address the critical challenges young people face. The goal of Generation Unlimited is to get every young person in school, learning, training, or in age-appropriate employment by 2030.

“We are calling for cutting-edge solutions and new ideas,” Fore said. “If we act wisely and urgently, we can create a skilled cohort of young people better prepared to create sustainable economies and peaceful and prosperous societies.”


Notes to Editors:

The poll was conducted in December 2018 through U-Report, a real-time social messaging tool developed by UNICEF to enable young people across the globe to speak out on issues that matter to them. The poll was answered by 10,003 respondents below 35 years old from 164 countries, 96 per cent of whom were below 30. Boys and young men represented 61 per cent of the answers, and 37 per cent identified as girls and young women. Africa had the most respondents (28 per cent), followed by Asia (23 per cent), Europe (20 per cent), Latin America (19 per cent), the Middle East and Northern Africa (6 per cent), and North America (4) percent. U-Report is free and open-source and over 6.5 million adolescent and young people in 55 countries use it regularly through SMS and digital channels including WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber and Telegram.

About Generation Unlimited
As part of the Youth 2030 Strategy, Generation Unlimited helps to address the desperate lack of quality education, skills training and empowerment opportunities for young people. Generation Unlimited brings together a wide range of partners – governments, the private sector, academia, international and civil society organizations, and – most importantly – young people themselves, to co-create and scale up innovative solutions to expand opportunities for the world’s young people. For more information about Generation Unlimited, please visit:


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