Trusts & Foundations

Trusts & Foundations  


Charitable trusts and foundations play an important role in helping UNICEF reach, and improve the lives of, vulnerable children throughout the world.

If you’re a trustee, have contact with a trust, or perhaps are setting one up then we would love to hear from you.


UNICEF ensures more of the world’s children are vaccinated, educated and protected than any other organisation. We have done more to influence laws, policies and customs to help protect children than anyone else in history. UNICEF works in over 190 countries to build a safer world for every child.

Our focus on long-term and sustainable development is complemented by effective, rapid humanitarian aid for children during wars and disasters. The way we work is different from other organisations. UNICEF supports governments to fulfil the rights of every child. Everything we do is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the most widely ratified international human rights treaty in history.

Tailored to you

We recognise that trusts and foundations may have specific interests or objectives so our dedicated team is happy to provide a personal service.

We’ll help you meet your aims while ensuring our work brings about long-term, sustainable change.

Trusts and foundations of all sizes can support UNICEF and together we can help children to survive and thrive.

What we offer

  • Dedicated support from a member of the Philanthropy team.
  • Bespoke proposals and regular reporting.
  • Tailored recognition options for your support.
  • Invitations to exclusive events.
Group of children getting water from a fountain
Group of children getting water from a fountain.

What are the benefits of supporting UNICEF?

Children raising hands in a tent
Children attend school in a Syrian refugee camp.
  • Philanthropic Impact: Your trust or foundation will be instrumental in catalysing change to protect child rights.
  • Profile and Recognition: Build your trust or foundation’s profile through association with a world leading organisation for children’s rights. We are also represented with a number of UNICEF ambassadors.
  • High-Quality Expertise: You will receive unrivalled expertise about funding initiatives, and we will offer support in raising awareness for your trust, foundation, or project.
  • Media Relations: Your trust or foundation will benefit from excellent Comms and PR campaigns to help bolster your profile.
  • Working with a Global Organisation: Working with an influential actor like UNICEF means that we can act as a global conduit between your trust or foundation and global initiatives.
  • Opportunities for Networking and Shared Learning: Collaborating with UNICEF means that you will receive opportunities for networking and shared learning, and will receive advice regarding media relations from a global organisation.

Get in touch

If you are an individual or family, a private foundation, or a wealth advisor interested in learning more about philanthropy at UNICEF, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us at and a member of our Philanthropy Team will be in touch.

Alternatively, you can get in contact using the online form.

There is no obligation to donate and enquiries are managed with the utmost confidence.

Philanthropy Team

Donna Marie O’Donovan, Head of Philanthropy
Megan Frischmeyer, Philanthropy Officer

Let’s start the conversation…

We would love to learn about your interests


Thank you for your interest in UNICEFs work for children.

Help protect children