Join us to #fightunfair 

Join us to #fightunfair


On 20 November, which is both Universal Children’s Day and the anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), UNICEF will launch the global #FightUnfair campaign to lead voices speaking out about the most egregious and unfair situations facing children today – and commit to doing something about them.

On this day of commemoration, UNICEF Connect has gathered a group of posts about equity. These posts offer a range of perspectives—from UNICEF staff, from adolescents, from people around the world who believe all children deserve a fair chance at life, everybody is joining the #FightUnfair movement. A fair chance for children also means a better chance for society at large. It allows the whole of society to profit from their skills, talents and potential and, in turn, boosts social and economic progress.

Below is a list of true and outrageously unfair facts. Global truths that address the situation that children face today, in 2015. Please have a look at them and consider what you can do. Could you do anything to change these situations? Then read the rest of the posts on the page and see what UNICEF is doing, what questions we’re asking, what changes we’re helping to make.

#FightUnfair. Fight for equity. Fight for the future.

Current facts about the situation of children on the 26th anniversary of the CRC:

Unfair is… Thousands of unaccompanied children facing winter in Europe with just the clothes on their backs




Unfair is…Not knowing where your family is going to sleep tonight



Unfair is children fleeing war at home only to be detained abroad

Unfair is: tens of thousands of children are involved in conflicts in countries throughout the world.


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