Child Participation Case Studies

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Child Participation Case Studies  

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UNICEF commissioned a collection of case studies illustrating good practices in child and youth participation in decision-making at international, national, regional, local and organisational levels. This collection includes case studies from a wide range of sectors and organisations, including policymakers, social work services, family support services, youth services, disability services, early years, schools, mental health, health, youth justice, arts and culture and other services for seldom heard children and young people.

The aim is to provide illustrative examples to organisations wishing to involve children and young people in decision-making in Ireland and throughout the EU.

Child and youth rights specialist Anne O’Donnell lead the piece of research. This involved developing a case study template using prompts and questions from the National Framework for Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making. The Framework was developed by the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth in collaboration with Professor Laura Lundy and her model of participation.

UNICEF thanks the 20 organisations and their participants for sharing their experience, learning and expertise.  UNICEF would also like to acknowledge the EU for funding this research under the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).


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